Saturday, September 6, 2008

The Tyranny of being Isolated (and lame)

Ok, we got married, moved, started new jobs and are adjusting to a new place and a new pace. This is an interesting place. Not as many smiles, everyone speeds, people are go, go, go, and every road needs to be repaved. It's also a complete drag to not be around people who are psyched to climb. In fact, I don't know what people are psyched to do here because they don't really talk and I haven't met anyone here who climbs. There's my pity party. Done, enough bullshit.

On to the Valley. Soon. October, when it's nice and cool, and the tree's are starting to turn, and only a few are around. No motor homes. It's all building up to next summer and my trip to the Sierra. No bullshit this time. I'm going, it must be done. I've got to figure out if this is me. With or without partners. Solo, 4th class, 3rd class, hiking, with a team of 5, whatever. I want the freedom to look at a wall, walk to it with all that I need, and climb it. If I fail, I rap, who cares?

No bull shit, just climbing.

Don't be a tool.

1 comment:

Justin said...

Get after it baby, don't let the neighborhood bring you down!